gallery range of switches and sockets | Hager

gallery, the art of evol­ving
with you

Modern bedroom with a table lamp and wall-mounted electrical switches and socket from Hager

3 finish levels

Painted finishes

The plates are painted and have a metallic or satin matte finish: night, titanium, eglantine, river... Choose from 11 colours to match your inte­rior.

Solid mate­rial finishes

Stai­n­less steel, alum­inium, leather or glass, the solid plates are cut directly into the mate­rial for an inim­itable look. Choose from 12 diffe­rent finishes.

Fine mate­rial finishes

The plates are covered with a thin layer of mate­rial and are avai­lable in 5 diffe­rent finishes: wood, steel ...

Create visual harmony in your home 

The range adapts to all inte­rior designs with its wide choice of finishes, in painted, fine or solid mate­rials.

Your favo­rite
gallery products






mirror glass


grey wood



cord leather


dark rock



gallery range
awarded with 2 majors

The French Inst­itute of Design awarded its prest­igious Janus de l'Industrie prize to gallery in 2018. On the inte­rn­at­ional scene, gallery has also been honoured with the Good Design Award, the world's oldest and most prest­igious award prog­ramme for design exce­l­lence and inno­vation.

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a cust­om­ized solution
to your cust­omer ?