Sustainable solutions for your buildings | Hager

Sustain­able solut­ions


For healt­hier and smarter buildings

Create cutting-edge, healthy and future-orie­nted smart buildings and homes. Places conn­ecting on an emot­i­onal level with people while reducing emiss­ions and running costs. Buildings that cele­b­rate the occup­ants and owners and guarantee satis­faction to their desi­gners. As part of our future energy landscape they make life cleaner and more enjo­yable for people.


Quick and easy comm­iss­io­ning for instal­lers, reli­able and perfo­rming charge for users, witty range is the perfect combin­ation for resid­e­ntial and comme­rcial premise. 


With domovea, you lay the foundation for inte­rc­o­n­n­ected devices in the smart home. The new domovea conn­ects, cont­rols and visua­l­izes.

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